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PRC Holds YEPA and CPC

Manila, Philippines - Centering to its theme: “Assessing Purposefully, Planning Conscientiously,” the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) spearheaded the two-day conference: “FY 2022 Year-End Performance Assessment (YEPA) and FY 2023 Commission Planning Conference (CPC)” last February 27-28, 2023 at New Coast Hotel Manila. 

As PRC set the stage, Hon. Commissioner Jose Y. Cueto, Jr. handed down the guidelines and ground rules for panelists & presenters and guidelines and reminders for the question-and-answer part.  On one hand, Hon. Commissioner Erwin A. Enad welcomed all participants. As part of his message, he reminded everyone that the heart of all things being done is what we call dedication and a sense of ownership of what we do.  When assessing and planning. he then quoted former Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s famous line: “I chase ideas provided they work; when they don’t work, I say look, this idea may sound right, but let’s try something that works.” In end, he then expressed his anticipation of presenting creative inputs, having active participation, and storming each other with insights that will end up with productive results.   

As part of her inspirational and stimulating message, Hon. Chairperson Charito A. Zamora set the direction and course of the conference.  Ultimately, her opening remarks strongly centered on the reiteration and elaboration of REACH.  Quoting her: “We plan because there is a destination we want to REACH,” REACH stands for Rightsizing and Road Mapping, Excellence in Service, Accountability, Capacity Building, and Honesty and Integrity.   As public servants who constantly seek and pray for Divine guidance, PRBs were reminded to revisit and update their road maps so that they are aligned with the present and prevailing conditions, trends, and core competencies standards. For having them in tune, the Commission’s right, precise, and defined direction for the profession will have a concrete and meticulous direction or mapping. 

“Maglilingkod ako nang may malasakit, katapatan, at kahusayan na walang kinikilingan.”

Driven and inspired by such a line, each public servant is expected to strengthen professionalism in handling public assistance and various complaints.  And as everyone serves the public, one should value the essence of accountability. Thus, everyone shall be on their toes to preserve and protect the public welfare through vigorous regulation of the professional practice. 

Another priority to look into is Capacity Building.  Capacity building as mentioned by Hon. Zamora: “This is a building of critical mass of committed, competent, and highly-motivated workforce.” Further, she combined this with making sure that each PRC family member is not only technically efficient but also has to undergo the following this year:  Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Stress Debriefing, Welfare, and Safety.  

Lastly, considered as the most important ethical behavior in public service is honesty and integrity.  As this takes public trust and confidence, every public servant should possess it as this would indicate the long-term commitment to one’s public service.  Hon. Zamora reminded everyone that every public servant should have integrity, a virtue in sync with honesty.  That is a public servant who remains consistent and harmoniuos in speech, action, and intention. 

During the first day of the conference, the following had been the salient points/topics for presentation and discussion: Digitalization and Digital Transformation of the Commission, Administrative Cases, Continuing Professional Development Updates with Career Progression and Specialization Program – Credit Accumulation Transfer System (CPSP – CATS) Updates, and Bids and Awards Committee Matters as presented by Hon. Enad; Oath taking Ceremonies. As each director and manager performed as discussants, delegated directors and PRBs of each respective field of specialization were presented as keen panelists and reactors.  The PRB of Geodetic Engineering, Hon. Concordio D. Zuñiga, graced the event as the Master of Ceremonies.

A continuation of the following was part of the discourse: Physical Infrastructure, Licensure Examination Updates, Human Infrastructure and Development, Financial Matters (BUR et al), Anti-Red Tape (ART) Matters, and PRB Concerns which concentrated on two areas: Conduct of Inspection and Monitoring and Professional Regulatory Boards as presented by Hon. Cueto, Jr., the Oversight Commissioner – PRB Screening Unit.  As Hon. Cueto, Jr. laid the nitty gritty of the PRB, he continued expounding the status report of the strategic plan. 

As the conference come to a close, everyone was reminded how to remain confident and steadfast.  Finally, with the sound direction set by the Commission, Central Office, PRBs guidance and support, and Regional Directors, PRC will continue upholding its purpose while preserving conscientious and judicious service to its clients, the Commission, and the discerning public.




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