Definition of Practice of Dentistry
A person shall be regarded as engaged in the practice of dentistry or rendering dental service, within the meaning and intent of this Act, who shall, for a fee, salary, compensation, or any form of reward, paid to him or through another, or even without such compensation or reward, perform any operation or part of an operation, upon the human mouth, jaws, teeth, and surrounding tissues; prescribe drugs or medicines for the treatment of oral diseases and lesions; or correct malpositions of the teeth: Provided, however, That this provision shall not apply to artisans or technicians engaged in the mechanical construction of artificial dentures or fixtures and other oral devices, as long as none of such procedures is done inside the mouth of the patient; nor shall this provision apply to students of dentistry undergoing practical training in a legally constituted dental school or college under the direction or supervision of a member of the faculty who is duly licensed to practice dentistry in the Philippines; or to registered dental hygienists serving as dentists’ assistants who may be allowed to perform oral prophylaxis and such other procedures which the law regulating the practice of dental hygienists may permit.
Dentistry was practiced in the Philippines as early as the Spanish times. However, dental work consisting mainly of extracting teeth was not recognized as a special course or profession then. There was neither a law nor any Royal Decree from Spain governing the practice of dentistry. Thus, there was no need for a regulatory body.
It was only during the American regime that the dental profession received its professional status as a field of practice when the Board of Dental Examiners was created by the Provost Marshall General on August 2, 1899.
On January 10, 1903, the Board was reorganized through Public Act No. 593, entitled “The Act of Regulating the Practice of Dentistry in the Philippine Islands.” The Board consisted of three reputable practitioners of dental surgery, including Drs. Robert Oliver, Wallace Skidmore, and Dr. Antonio Vergel de Dios, the only Filipino Member. They were all appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health with the consent and advice of the Board of Health of the Philippine Islands.
Twelve years after, on February 5, 1915 the Philippine Legislature passed Act No. 2462 which provided new regulations for the examination of dentists and the practice of dentistry. The new Board Members were appointed by the Director of Health with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior.
In 1916, Act No. 2462 was amended by Act No. 2602, changing the requirements for the qualification, appointment and removal of the Board of Dental Examiners together with the qualification of candidates for the admission to the dentist examination. In the ensuing years, Act No. 3680 was approved which established reciprocity while Act No. 3681 was passed to eliminate the age requirement for admission to licensure examinations.
With the enactment of Public Act No. 4007 or the “Reorganization Law of 1932,” the Board of Dental Examiners was placed under the Department of Public Instruction together with other medical-related boards. In 1948, Republic Act No. 546 was enacted, creating the first independent Dental Board of Examiners. Appointed by the Acting Secretary of Health were Dr. Gervasio Erana as Chairman with Drs. Germanico Carreon and Diosdado Carpio as Members. The law was later amended by Republic Act No. 4419, “The Philippine Dental Act of 1965,” which accorded the Board the authority to issue, suspend or revoke certificates of registration and the power to administer oaths and oversee dental education requirements.
Republic Act No. 9484
An Act to Regulate the Practice of Dentistry, Dental Hygiene and Dental Technology in the Philippines, Repealing for the Purpose Republic Act No. 4419, otherwise known as “An Act to Regulate the Practice of Dentistry in the Philippines, and for other purposes”, and Republic Act No. 768, otherwise known as “An Act to Regulate the Practice of Dental Hygienists in the Philippines, and for other purposes”, and Appropriating funds therefore.
Philippine Dental Association (PDA)
Ayala Extension corner Kamagong St.
Makati City
Tel No.: 890-4609 / 897-8091
Fax: 899-6332 / 899-8091
Re-accredited: Es. No. 2008-468 dated August 1, 2008
The Philippine Dental Association (PDA) was formed in 1948 with the merging of two major dental organizations, the National Dental Association of the Philippines and the Sociedad Dental de Filipinas.
Immediately after its founding, the PDA swiftly earned nationwide recognition as manifested in the great increase in its membership. By 1953, the dental officers of the Armed Forces of the United States and the Philippines began joining the annual conventions of the PDA, pressing forward the revitalization of dental practice in the Philippines.
Along with the Professional Regulation Commission and the Board of Dentistry, the PDA also took major campaigns to amend the law on dental practice and to strengthen and improve the Regulatory Code of Ethics of dentists. The PDA spearheaded and co-sponsored the first Asian-Pacific Dental Congress, the first assembly of dental organizations of Asian countries which gave birth to the creation of the Asian-Pacific Dental Federation (APDF). PDA President Dr. Bienvenido Eraña was elected head of the APDF. Together with other members of the APDF, the PDA pioneered the affiliation of APDF to the Federation Dentaire Internationale. From then on, the PDA became an active participant in world affairs and conferences concerning dental health and practice.
The PDA is also involved in various community outreach programs and projects such as the “Adopt-a-Barangay Project” and the “Adopt-a-Primary/ Elementary School Program” which provide and improve dental health care in remote communities.
The PDA is affiliated with the Philippine Medical Association (PMA), Philippine Association of Medical Technologists (PAMET), Philippine Nurses Association (PNA), and other health organizations in the country.
Qualification of Board Members
The members of the Board shall, at the time of appointment:
- Be a natural born citizen of the Philippines and actually resident thereof;
- Be a duly registered dentist in the Philippines;
- Must have had at least ten years practice of the profession;
- Must not be a member of the faculty of any school, college or university where dentistry is taught, nor shall have, directly or indirectly, any pecuniary interest in such Institutions;
- Must not be connected in any capacity with any business enterprise, firm or company engaged in the buying, selling or manufacture of dental goods, equipment, materials or supplies; and
- Must be a member of good standing of the Philippine Dental Association and/or any other bona fide dental association for the last five years.