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WCAG 2.0 contains 12 guidelines organized under 4 principles: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust (POUR for short). There are testable success criteria for each guideline. Compliance to these criteria is measured in three levels: A, AA, or AAA. A guide to understanding and implementing Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 is available at:

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PRC Celebrates 51st Founding Anniversary and Arbor Day Through Nationwide Tree Planting and Growing Activity

MANILA, PHILIPPINES – As the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) celebrates its 51st Founding Anniversary and 2024 Professional Regulation Week with the theme: “Bagong Pilipinas: Pagpupugay sa Makabago at Mapanlikhang Propesyonal ng Bayan” from June 16, 2024 to June 22, 2024, the Annual Philippine Arbor Day put together PRC, its sixteen (16) Regional Offices (ROs), Accredited Professional Organizations (APOs), Accredited Integrated Professional Organizations (AIPOs), Local Government Units/Offices, professionals, companies, and institutions both from the public and private sectors for a steadfast persistence and consistent determination in mitigating the effects of climate change and environmental degradation.  Incidentally, this activity strengthens and maintains the PRC’s commitment and strong stance to be professional stewards of a sustainable environment.

Drawn by the words of Lucy Larcom: “He who plants a tree, plants a hope!,” PRC, with the collaborative efforts of the seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine (7,959) volunteers/participants from the sixteen (16) ROs, APOs, AIPOs, LGU/Offices, professionals, companies, and institutions both from the public and private sectors, was able to plant of more or less forty-nine thousand six hundred and ninety-eight (49,698) seedlings covering approximately sixty-eight and two hundred sixty-six thousandths (68.266) hectares.  With a nature-caring spirit, volunteers/participants were able to plant thirty-three (33) seedlings which varied from Acacia Mangium, Bakawan (Lalaki), Balitbitan, Bamboo, Bangkal, Bani, Benguet Pine, Bitaog, Bugnay, Cacao, Camachile, Dao, Falcata, Gmelina, Guyabano, Kalumpit, Kamachili, Kamagong, Kupang, Lamog, Mahogany, Mansanita, Molave, Mountain Agoho, Narra, Rain Tree, Rambutan, Red Lauan, Sambulauan, Santol, Toog, and Tuai.

With such inspiring acts and dedication, the PRC remains and goes beyond its mission and vision; not only to guide, grow, and strive for excellence among professionals; but also, to ensure mitigation measures for climate change enabling a carbon-neutral environment.  A gentle and vigilant reminder for everyone that our responsibility does not stop after the day’s end but it is a lifelong commitment for the present and future generations. 







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