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PRC Pays It Forward

MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Inspired by Trevor McKinney from the 2000 movie “Pay It Forward,” the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) seemed to draw inspiration for two of its altruistic activities from the protagonist’s goodwill movement. Truly and as part of the 50th Founding Anniversary and 2023 Professional Regulation Week of PRC with the theme: PRC@50: Celebrating Milestones of Professional Excellence and Global Recognition. Bold at Gold!, the entire PRC family gave back to the environment and its communities during the week-long celebration of June 16 to 22, 2023.

As part of a Nationwide Campaign and in celebration of Philippine Arbor Day, the Tree Planting Activities started from June 20 until June 25, 2023. These highlighted and momentous days were concentrated on creating, building, and sustaining a healthier ecosystem.  Together with numerous participating private and public entities, agencies, organizations; volunteers, and professionals; PRC with respective Regional Offices spearheaded their separate yet unified action of Nationwide Tree Planting Activities.  With such, the entire PRC family was able to encourage a total of six thousand seven hundred and eight (6,708) volunteers to plant thirty-eight thousand nine hundred and seventy-six (38,976) seedlings in a total covered land area of more or less fifty-three and eight hundred fifty-five thousandths (53.855) hectares. With such warm care for the environment and an act to be sustained, everyone had reflected on Nelson Henderson’s striking line: “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”

Aside from caring for the environment, PRC continued its public service by giving back to its communities via Mass Blood Donation Activities on the following dates: May 26 to June 22, 2023. Adjunct with the Philippine Red Cross slogan: “Always First. Always Ready. Always There,” the PRC’s spearheaded mass blood donation activities were able to encourage participating regions and offices an inviting and encouraging donation of more or less four hundred ninety-six thousand and eight hundred (496,800) mL of blood from the one thousand one hundred and four (1,104) qualified volunteers. Appreciation and gratitude were extended to every participating agency, and organization; public and private individuals; and volunteers and professionals.   

Carrying the laurels and holding on the line from Martin Luther King Jr.: “Everyone can be great because everybody can serve,” the whole PRC family and community concluded these noble and fulfilling activities with smiles and hopes on their faces. Together, PRC will continue to soar for another fifty years, giving more to what is due to the public.



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