Republic of the Philippines
Advisory on claiming Certified True Copies of PRC documents for use abroad at the Office of Consular Affairs
Posted on 16 August, 2013

Manila, August 16, 2013 – The Professional Regulation Commission informs applicants who intend to submit Certified True Copies of PRC documents to the Office of Consular Affairs (O.C.A.) on the requirements of claiming the documents at the O.C.A. as follows:

  1. The deadline for claiming authenticated documents shall be three (3) months from the date of release as indicated on the claim stubs; and
  2. If the applicant is unable to claim their documents personally, the applicant may send an authorized representative to claim his/her documents provided that the following are submitted:
    • An authorization letter or Special Power of Attorney from the applicant; and
    • A photocopy of the ID of both the applicant and the representative bearing their signatures.


PRC documents submitted to the Office of Consular Affairs – for authentication may include authenticated copies of board rating, certificate of passing, registration certificates and professional registration cards.