Board Licensure Examination for Midwives moved from March 29-30 To April 10-11, 2017
Manila, January 13, 2017--- The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Professional Regulatory Board of Midwifery announce that the Board Licensure Examinations for Midwifery (BLEM) originally scheduled on March 29-30, 2017 has been moved to APRIL 10-11, 2017.
The Board of Midwifery through PRC Resolution No. 2017-1024 dated January 9, 2017 stressed the need to move the schedule of the Licensure Examination for Midwifery to give enough time to students of the midwifery course to secure their Transcripts of Records (TORs) in time for the filing of their applications for the April 2017 BLEM.