The iGovPhil Project officially adopts the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) as the accessibility standard for all its related web development and services. WCAG 2.0 is also an international standard, ISO 40500. This certifies it as a stable and referenceable technical standard.

WCAG 2.0 contains 12 guidelines organized under 4 principles: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust (POUR for short). There are testable success criteria for each guideline. Compliance to these criteria is measured in three levels: A, AA, or AAA. A guide to understanding and implementing Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 is available at:

All iGovPhil Project services and content are currently moving towards WCAG Level A compliance. Work is being done to make the system fully compliant with this level.

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  • Home Page (Combination + H): Redirecting to homepage.
  • Main Content (Combination + R): View the content section of the current page.
  • FAQ (Combination + Q): FAQ page.
  • Contact (Combination + C): Contact page or form inquiries.
  • Feedback (Combination + K): Feedback page.
  • Site Map (Combination + M): Site map (footer agency) section of the page.
  • Search (Combination + S): Search page.
  • Press ESC or CLICK the close the button to close this dialog box.
NOTICE: To All Concerned Chief Mate and Master Mariner Applicants to the July 21 and 22, 2012 Marine Deck Officers Licensure Examinations

Notice is hereby given to all concerned Chief Mate and Master Mariner applicants who will take the July 21 and 22, 2012 Marine Deck Officers Licensure Examinations who are required to submit the Revised Management Level Course (RMLC) training certificates.

In the event that the applicants fail to submit the revised MLC certificates on or before June 21, 2012 set deadline of processing of applications, all concerned Chief Mate and Master Mariner applicants shall be allowed to have their applications processed on or before June 21, 2012, provided they shall submit together with said application the duly filled out enrolment or registration form from the MTC accredited training center as proof that their trainings are still on-going.

This Notice shall apply only for the July 21 and 22, 2012 Marine Deck Officers (Written) Licensure Examinations. The revised MLC certificates shall be submitted not later than July 13, 2012 at Marine Deck Officers Division, PRC Manila and/or PRC Cebu Regional Office.

Non-submission of the said revised MLC certificates on the set deadline shall mean: a) exclusion from the list of examinees who will take the July 21 and 22, 2012 Marine Deck Officers licensure examination; and b) non-issuance of the Notice of Admission.

Applicants for the said examination who will not be able to meet the deadline of completion of the revised MLC requirements on or before July 13, 2012, may opt to file their application for the said Licensure Examination under the Walk-In Examination System (WES).

This Notice shall not apply to applicants to the Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch Licensure Examination.

Issued this 13th day of June 2012 at PRC Manila for the information, guidance and strict compliance of all concerned.

(orig. signed)

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