Republic of the Philippines
October 2016 Oath Taking Ceremonies of the New Librarians
Posted on 8 November, 2016

October 2016 Oath Taking Ceremonies of the New Librarians


Manila, November 8, 2016 --- The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) together with the Professional Regulatory Board For Librarians (PRBFL) conducted the Joint Oath-taking for New Librarians at Century Park Hotel last October 24, 2016.


The September 20 & 21, 2016 Librarians Licensure Examination (LLE) conducted at Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao and Legaspi yielded seven hundred thirty eight (738) board passers, the highest by far at 64.74% passing rate since LLE started in 1992.

Member of the PRBFL Hon. Lourdes T. David delivered the opening remarks congratulating the board passers and said, “Librarianship is a journey. It does not stop at passing the LLE. The LLE is your ticket to the journey”.

Guest speaker PRC Commissioner Hon. Yolanda D. Reyes challenged the inductees to be Global Librarians and be Information Superheroes. She also encouraged them to take part in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) not only because it is a requirement but an investment to their profession and their contribution to nation building.

In attendance were more than three hundred forty (340) inductees who took their Oath of Profession led by PRBFL Chairperson Hon. Yolanda C. Granda. In cooperation with the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) the Induction Ceremonies for New PLAI Members was led by Ms. Elvira B. Lapuz, PLAI President.

PRBFL Chairperson Hon. Yolanda C. Granda delivered the closing remarks to the New Librarians and PLAI Members encouraging them to, “Be the best in whatever you choose to be and in wherever you choose to be at - all roads lead to challenging work. Make the best choice. And remember, humanity will always reign supreme. Technology will only be used to amplify the best trait of humanity.” She also concluded with the invitation to the inductees to,”be the best librarian you can be”.