PRC Passes ARTA Survey
The Professional Regulation Commission passed the Civil Service Commission’s Report Card Survey. It received an acceptable rating in the Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) Survey in compliance with Republic Act 9485, otherwise known as “An act to improve efficiency in the delivery of the government service to the public by reducing bureaucratic red tape, preventing graft and corruption and providing penalties thereof”.
The PRC received 88% overall satisfaction rating. Most of the respondents were satisfied with the knowledge and competence (94%) and fairness and ethical treatment (90%) of the service providers and the quality of outcome (91%).
The CSC conducted the ARTA Report Card Survey in the main office and in the nine regional offices of the Professional Regulation Commission from May 25, 2011 to February 22, 2012.
Based on the survey, the typical clients of the PRC are females (57%) between 18-34 years of age (70%), college graduates (99%) and working (68%).
The PRC central and regional offices as a whole obtained a final grade of 74.71 which is equivalent to an acceptable rating. Three regional offices obtained a score that correspond to a descriptive rating of good. These are Regions V (85.04%), IX (85.70%), and CAR (83.88%). The CAR regional office gave the best performance as 100% of its respondents said that the office complied with the posted standards in all the seven areas concerned.
PRC Chairperson Teresita R. Manzala, in a memorandum dated May 29, 2012, commended the efforts of the Central and Regional Offices specifically the frontline personnel for being able to deliver the general satisfaction of the transacting public. She exhorted the PRC office to exert more efforts to improve and maintain, if not to surpass, the achievements in the activities where high ratings were obtained.