Recommending Modifications to Commission Memorandum Circular No. 19 (s 2008): Updated List on Programmable Calculators Allowed to be Used in the Licensure Examinations
The Professional Regulation Commission announces that only Mathematics (under Specialization subject) would require examinees to use the calculators for the Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers.
Examinees for the Secondary Level, with major in Mathematics, may use calculators during the LEPT, provided, that such calculators have the following features only: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, trigonometric function, logarithm and xy. Only one (1) calculator per examinee shall be allowed inside the examination room. All calculators shall be thoroughly inspected by the examination personnel.
Examinees other than those mentioned above are prohibited from using calculators, regardless of model or unit.
This is pursuant to Resolution No. 25, series of 2019 issued by the Board for Professional Teachers. To view the said Resolution, click here.