The iGovPhil Project officially adopts the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) as the accessibility standard for all its related web development and services. WCAG 2.0 is also an international standard, ISO 40500. This certifies it as a stable and referenceable technical standard.

WCAG 2.0 contains 12 guidelines organized under 4 principles: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust (POUR for short). There are testable success criteria for each guideline. Compliance to these criteria is measured in three levels: A, AA, or AAA. A guide to understanding and implementing Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 is available at:

All iGovPhil Project services and content are currently moving towards WCAG Level A compliance. Work is being done to make the system fully compliant with this level.

Combination keys used for each browser:
  • Chrome for Linux press (Alt+Shift+shortcut_key)
  • Chrome for Windows press (Alt+shortcut_key)
  • Chrome for MAC OS press (ctrl+opt+shortcut_key)
  • Safari for MAC OS press (ctrl+opt+shortcut_key)
  • For Firefox press (Alt+Shift+shortcut_key)
  • For Internet Explorer press (Alt+Shift+shortcut_key) then press (enter)
Shortcut Keys Combination Activation:
  • Home Page (Combination + H): Redirecting to homepage.
  • Main Content (Combination + R): View the content section of the current page.
  • FAQ (Combination + Q): FAQ page.
  • Contact (Combination + C): Contact page or form inquiries.
  • Feedback (Combination + K): Feedback page.
  • Site Map (Combination + M): Site map (footer agency) section of the page.
  • Search (Combination + S): Search page.
  • Press ESC or CLICK the close the button to close this dialog box.
22 May, 2020
The following APPOINTMENT SCHEDULE shall be implemented in accommodating previously scheduled appointments in Professional Regul...
21 May, 2020
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces the temporary suspension of services in PRC Robinsons Place Naga on 27 Ma...
21 May, 2020
The Professional Regulation Commission informs the public of the updated operating schedule of PRC Offices and Service Centers s...
20 May, 2020
Following the reopening of malls in the province of Cavite, please be informed that the Service Center of Professional Regulatio...
19 May, 2020
Due to government imposed restrictions and other unforeseeable circumstances because of extended community quarantines, and to ensure the health an...
19 May, 2020
Following the declaration of temporary closure of malls in the Province of Cavite under Executive Order No. 16 dated May 17, 202...
19 May, 2020
Acknowledging the fact that professionals are constrained from attending Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs and ...
18 May, 2020
In grateful recognition of the valiant efforts of the Filipino professionals particularly frontliners and responders


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09 February, 2009
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 15 out of 34 passed the Sanitary Engineer Licensure Examination given by the Board of S...
30 January, 2009
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 584 out of 1,042 passed the Pharmacist Licensure Examination given by the Board of Phar...
09 January, 2009
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 26 passed the Professional Electronics Engineer Examination given by the Board of Elect...
29 September, 2008
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 17,816 elementary teachers out of 58,471 examinees and 18,801 secondary teachers out of...
01 May, 2008
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 4,875 elementary teachers out of 18,386 examinees and 3,705 secondary teachers out of 1...
