The iGovPhil Project officially adopts the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) as the accessibility standard for all its related web development and services. WCAG 2.0 is also an international standard, ISO 40500. This certifies it as a stable and referenceable technical standard.

WCAG 2.0 contains 12 guidelines organized under 4 principles: Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust (POUR for short). There are testable success criteria for each guideline. Compliance to these criteria is measured in three levels: A, AA, or AAA. A guide to understanding and implementing Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 is available at:

All iGovPhil Project services and content are currently moving towards WCAG Level A compliance. Work is being done to make the system fully compliant with this level.

Combination keys used for each browser:
  • Chrome for Linux press (Alt+Shift+shortcut_key)
  • Chrome for Windows press (Alt+shortcut_key)
  • Chrome for MAC OS press (ctrl+opt+shortcut_key)
  • Safari for MAC OS press (ctrl+opt+shortcut_key)
  • For Firefox press (Alt+Shift+shortcut_key)
  • For Internet Explorer press (Alt+Shift+shortcut_key) then press (enter)
Shortcut Keys Combination Activation:
  • Home Page (Combination + H): Redirecting to homepage.
  • Main Content (Combination + R): View the content section of the current page.
  • FAQ (Combination + Q): FAQ page.
  • Contact (Combination + C): Contact page or form inquiries.
  • Feedback (Combination + K): Feedback page.
  • Site Map (Combination + M): Site map (footer agency) section of the page.
  • Search (Combination + S): Search page.
  • Press ESC or CLICK the close the button to close this dialog box.
17 May, 2020
Following the imposition of General Community Quarantine (GCQ) in some areas of the country, the public is informed that,...
17 May, 2020
Pursuant to Inter-Agency Task Force Resolution No. 37 dated 15 May 2020, placing high-risk provinces and cities unde...
10 May, 2020
The Professional Regulation Commission pays tribute to all Mothers for the gift of Life and Love to al...
09 May, 2020
Following the Memorandum No. 512 (s.2020) imposing strict enforcement of QCP protocols issued by Bukidnon Provincial Governor Jo...
09 May, 2020
PRC Tacloban, together with the Accredited Professional Organizations (APOs) in Region 8, organized an online donation campaign ...
08 May, 2020
Following the cancellation/postponement of the March-June 2020 licensure examinations due to the imposition of Enhanced Communit...
06 May, 2020
Following the opening and the resumption of the frontline services of some of the offices of the Professional Regulation Commiss...
05 May, 2020
In view of the extension of the Enhanced Community Quarantine in some areas of the country until May 15, 2020, the Professional ...


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